A knowledgeable, detail-oriented home inspection is invaluable when buying a home in the Vancouver area. Our goal at Murphy Home Inspection is to provide you with a detailed, easy-to-understand report, that does not include false defects. Once your inspection is completed, we will compile and edit your report so that it is ready for you within 24 hours. Most often we deliver reports in less than 24 hours and will have it ready the same day as your inspection. We follow the local standards of practice for home inspectors, which include the following components of the home:
- Roof
- Siding
- Windows
- Doors
- Foundation
- Crawlspace
- Attic
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Heating
- Central Cooling
- Built-in kitchen appliances
During the inspection your home inspector will need to remain focused, providing them the space without distractions can help to deliver the best inspection possible. After the inspection is complete, there will be time for a walk-through of the home to discuss the findings of the inspection, and you can always call with follow-up questions should any come up once you review the report.